Character Modeling A to Z

  • Course duration
    6 Weeks
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Rodrigo Rodrigo.exe
6 Weeks
0 Enrolled
10 Reviews

  • Course Details

"Highly paid job opportunities", "24/7 discussion support" এবং প্রতি সপ্তাহের live problem solving session সহ total guideline তোমাদের দিতে "Rodrigo.exe" নিয়ে আসলো, তোমাদের আমাদের কাছে চাওয়া The Most Demandable course "Journey to the Android World "


Course Outline: 

Android Java Development - Basic to Intermediate

“Journey to the Android World”

-Dream. Design. Develop


Week 1->

1. Introduction to Android Development


• Brief history of Android: Overview of Android's inception, acquisition by Google, and its evolution.

• Android ecosystem: Overview of the devices, versions, and market presence.

• Android Studio: An introduction to the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development.

2. Setting up the Development Environment


• Installing Android Studio: Step-by-step process to get Android Studio up and running.

• Android SDK and AVD Manager: Tools within Android Studio for managing platform versions and emulators.

• Android Virtual Device (emulator): Creating and using a virtual Android device on your computer.

3. Basics of an Android App


• Project structure: Introduction to the folders, files, and the purpose of each in an Android project.

• Manifest file: Overview of the file that contains essential app metadata.

• App lifecycle: Understanding how an app starts, runs, and stops.

4. Your First Android App


• Creating a new project: Setting up your first app.

• UI Design using activity_main.xml: Introduction to XML-based layout design.

• Implementing logic in Writing Java code to make your app functional.

• Running the app: Deploying your app on an emulator or a real device.


Week 2 -> 

5. UI Elements and Layouts

• Views and ViewGroups: Basic UI building blocks.

• Common UI elements: Overview of Button, TextView, and EditText.

• Basic Layouts: How to structure UI elements using LinearLayout and RelativeLayout.

Assignment No: 1


Week3 -> 

6. Intents and Activities


• Understanding Intents: Mechanism for communication between app components.

• Starting a new Activity: How to transition between app screens.

• Passing data between Activities: Sending and receiving data when switching screens.

Assignment No: 2


Week 4 -> 

7. Data Storage


• Shared Preferences: Key-value storage for lightweight data.

• Basics of SQLite databases: Introduction to storing structured data on the device. Creating basic SQLite Database. Basic CRUD operation.

Assignment No: 3


Week 5 -> 

8. Basic User Input and Interaction


• Handling button clicks: Responding to user actions.

• Gathering input from EditText: Accepting text input from users.

• Toast messages: Displaying short, transient messages.

Assignment No: 4


Week 6 -> 

9. Networking


• Basics of networking in Android: Connecting to the internet and accessing data.

• Fetching data from the web: How to download and process web data.

Assignment No: 5


Week 7 -> max 3 videos

10. Introduction to Multimedia


• Playing audio and video: Incorporating media playback in apps.

• Displaying images with ImageView: Showcasing graphics and photos.

Assignment No: 6


Week 8 -> 

11. Testing and Debugging


• Basic debugging in Android Studio: Identifying and resolving errors.

• Android Log system: Recording and viewing app logs for diagnostics.

Assignment No: 7


12. Magic Moments**(With Our CEO)


** Call from RODRIGO.exe Office (if you feel passionate during the course)


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